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Z2 - Mindfulness Body Scan

"For me my Mindfulness practice is more powerful than anything I ever learnt in medical school. I have worked within the health service for over 30 years, but discovering mindfulness was the most transformational experience in my life. As I felt the benefits in my daily life I knew I just had to share this ancient practice. Mindfulness I consider is for everyone, so do not worry if you have never experienced meditation before. It is a very simple practice of paying attention to the present moment by using our breath and body as anchors to the now. When we do so we begin to unhook from the constant busy thoughts, that often create stresses for us. We begin to find some calm in the chaos that is life. We begin to embrace all of life as it is in all its messiness."

Dr Linda Khalid

Please click below for a 20 minute exercise to complete a mindfulness body scan.

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