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A1 - LEAP Weight Loss Program Self-Referral

Leicestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Service

Is your weight affecting your health?

Would you like help to lose weight and create a healthier lifestyle for you and your family?

If the answer is YES, there are a whole range of services on offer, FREE of charge for you to access, such as:

For Adults:-

10 week NHS lead LEAP course – physical activity and healthy eating

For Families:-

8 week NHS lead Family Lifestyle Club (FLic) - physical activity and healthy eating for the whole family

If you would like to find out more about these courses or other activities run by the Leicestershire Nutrition and Diabetic Service call 0116 222 7192 (Quoting: C82041)


visit their website at http://www.lnds.nhs.uk/_PatientsandPublic-MoreAboutUs.aspx

Can't find what you're looking for?

Please get in touch and let us know if there is more we can do to provide information online.