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H17 - RNIB

If you have a question about living with sight loss, no matter how big or small, we're here to offer support.

Get in touch with us on 0303 123 9999, email helpline@rnib.org.uk orsay: "Alexa, call RNIB Helpline" to an Alexa-enabled device. You can also ask us a question using our contact form.

Calls to our Helpline cost no more than a standard rate call to 01 or 02 numbers and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. The price of calls varies between different service providers, including between landline and mobile companies. Please note that we record all our calls for training and quality purposes. All calls are treated in confidence.


Can't find what you're looking for?

Please get in touch and let us know if there is more we can do to provide information online.